Friday, 21 July 2017


Reasons Joewise Academy Preschool Could Benefit Your Child
Being away from your young child can be difficult. But an effective preschool can set the platform for both academic and social skills that your child will use forever. Here are ten reasons Joewise Academy preschool could be a good preference for your family.
 1. Preschool is an opportunity for growth
For many children, preschool is their first experience in a group of kids with a teacher. With this, they will quickly start learning to share, follow instructions, and begin to follow the structure found in elementary school.
2. Preschool prepares children for higher grades
Children start learning fundamentals earlier. As earlier grades become more academic than they were in previous generations, many parents use preschool to launch their child into higher learning. At the same time, parents may worry that the current trend to focus on pre-math and pre-literacy skills in preschool cuts out playtime and pushes children to grow up too fast.
Fortunately, parents don’t have to choose between protecting a child’s play time and making sure kids are ready for kindergarten. Our high-quality early childhood education program offers children both. Our teachers understand the particular ways that young children develop and learn. They organize their classrooms, time and activities to be in sync with children’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical abilities.
3. Preschool encourages student-teacher development
Children need to feel cared for and secure with a teacher in order to learn. Our preschool program nurtures warm relationships among children, teachers and parents. Our teachers build a close personal connection with each child in their care. Children can thrive when there is consistency between home and school. Joewie academy teachers value parents as the experts on their children and work hand-in-hand to develop educational goals.

4. Children learn to thrive in a school-structured environment
Our preschool environment is a highly-structured environment that helps young children learn to make friends. This doesn’t mean there are lots of rules or that the teacher constantly directs the student’s activities. The structure is largely invisible to children yet they learn to operate within it. Our preschool is organized to encourage social interaction, and minimize conflicts.
5. Preschool teaches kids how to make choices
Children have several choices of activities on a daily basis. If a child is wandering aimlessly, they will be encouraged to choose an activity that interests them.  Our teachers are alert to a child who can’t figure out how to enter other children’s play and will offer suggestions on ways to join the group.
6. Children will start to learn independence
Children’s sense of independence will grow as they learn to take care of themselves while helping others. We strive to appeal to a young child’s desire to engage in real work by offering chances to help in the classroom. For example, through leading a prayer or feeding the classroom rabbit, our students contribute to the class.
Another great thing you’ll find at Joewise Academy are teachers who encourage students to view themselves as a resource for other children. Children are also introduced to behaviors required to function successfully in our kindergarten classroom. For example, during Circle Time, children learn to focus attention on the teacher, listen while others are speaking and wait their turn to talk.
7. Preschool promotes language and cognitive skills
Preschool-age children’s language skills are nurtured in a language-rich environment. Between the ages of 3 and 5, a child’s vocabulary grows from 900 to 2,500 words, and sentencess become longer and more complex. In a conversational manner, teachers help children stretch their language skills by asking thought-provoking questions and introducing new vocabulary during science, art, snack time, and other activities. Engaging in a wide range of hands-on activities, a young child’s cognitive skills are strengthened by challenging them to observe closely and ask questions.
8. Preschool teachers nurture a child’s curiosity
Teachers observe, ask questions and listen to children’s ideas during these activities. Often times, correct answers are not our goal. To nurture their curiosity and motivation to learn, we use children’s interests and ideas to create activities. Even a simple, chance event can be turned into an exciting opportunity to expand the minds of our students.
Preschool-age children have active imaginations and learn through make-believe play. We realize imagination fuels learning. Our imaginary play area is well-stocked with props and child-size household items such as stoves, sinks and cupboards. It’s often in this activity area that preschool-age children progress steadily from solitary play, to one-on-one play, to complicated group play.
9. Preschool activities boost pre-math and literacy skills
Young children can show growing interest in pre-math and pre-literacy skills. They are curious and observant, and they want to be competent in the skills that they see in older siblings and other family members, such as reading, writing and math. To prepare children for the academic demands of kindergarten, we offer a wide variety of games and activities to help children acquire the pre- math and literacy skills in a fun way.
10. Preschool helps develop motor skills
As physical coordination improves, kids want to start exploring their environment and challenge themselves in new ways. Young children are in motion for a good part of the day. We offer several opportunities daily for children to develop fine motor skills. Our students are also challenged through a variety of activities to build their hand-eye coordination and balance.
If any of this could make sense for your family, we’d love to have your child in our early childhood development program. Every child, no matter faith, ethnicity, family situation or any other factor, is welcome at our school.



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